Our Trustees

The charity is governed by up to nine trustees.  Three of these are nominated by Prestbury Parish Council (PPC), one by Cheltenham Borough Council (CBC) and four are co-opted.  The incumbent of the ecclesiastical Parish of Prestbury is an ex-officio trustee.

The present Trustees are:

Mrs Kate Bishop(PPC)E,F2027-05-12
Revd Nick BromfieldEx-officio n/a
Mr Martyn Hansen(PPC)2027-03-30
Claire Morris(co-opted)E2026-04-15
Dr Wendy Price (Vice Chairman)(co-opted)E2028-10-11
Mr Nicholas Roach(co-opted) F2025-04-29
Cathy Hunt (Chairman)(PPC) F2027-03-30
Mr Stanley Smith(CBC)2028-01-17
Mr John Payne(co-opted) 2029-06-13

E = serves on the Emergency Relief Committee.

F = serves on the Finance Committee. The dates show the ends of their periods as trustees